This is the most detailed directory that exists in the Lyme community today. It took years of work to be able to help bring it to the Lyme community.
A-Z Directory
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Acid Reflux Information And Possible Solutions
Adrenal Cocktail And Electrolytes Recipes
Ammonia Toxicity Possible Solutions
Antibiotics- why using only one is not reccomended in chronic Lyme
Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) in Lyme
Applying for Disability with Lyme
Appointment Preparation for Lyme Doctors
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Dysfunction
Bartonella Most Common Symptoms
Bartonella (Natural Solutions)
Blood Donations and Blood Supply
Books on Lyme and related issues
Brands that are often recommended by.lyme literate doctors and why it matters
Brain and Neurological Effects
Brain Regeneration Biofeedback
Can you Get Lyme More than Once?
CFS / ME (chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS) also known as myalgic encephalmyletis(ME))
Cod Liver Oil to Increase Vitamin D
Compassion over tough love for caregivers
Convince a Doctor/Family Member/Friend of What this Disease is All About?
Costochondritis Possible Solutions
Dating and Connecting to Others with Lyme
Depersonalization and Derealization
Depression and Anxiety Solutions
Diagnosed but Not in Treatment Yet
Did you just start treatment or added something new? Do you feel horrible?
Different forms of magnesium and some of their benefits
Disability with Lyme - Applying
Disability attorneys who have won for Lyme patients
High Cholesterol (in relation to lyme and co)
How to cope with work (and your rights) while living with lyme
How to save money in lyme treatments and financial solutions
How to use the group and website
How to increase vitamin absorbtion
How to navigate through insurance denials and get your doctors orders
Hygromycin A and new treatment info
Internal Vibrations, Tremors, Brain Zaps, Electric Shock Sensations and Cranial Neuropathy
Lyme Disease is in Every State!!!!
Lyme disease and co-infection Testing
Lyme Disease Testing Articles And New Information
Magnesium and connection to vitamin D
Magnesium and menstrual cramps
Maintain Remission/Prevent Relapse
Malerone / Atovaquone Plaguenil
Medication audio to help anxiety and sleep
Menstrual Cycles and the Effects on Pots
Mitochondria Health possible solutions
Most Commonly Used Lyme Supplements/Herbals
NAD (Niacinamide Adenine Dinucleotide)
Naturopathic Doctor Vs. Naturopath Vs. MD
Nausea in POTS
Pekana detox drainage kit (bioresource)
PEMF Frequency options (for different conditions)
Pomegranates And Pomegranate Juice
Preparing for your Lyme Doctor Appointment
Probiotics and Saccharomyes Boullardii
Probiotics for histamine Issues
SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)
Social Security - Applying for Disability with Lyme
Speech/Voice Issues, Vocal Cords, Dysarthria
Suggestions - Diagnosed but not in Treatment Yet or Awaiting Doctor Appointment
Sun Sensitivity causes and solutions
Supplements To Avoid In Evening
TBRF (tick borne relapsing fever)
Temperature Regulation and Heat Intolerance
Testing Information on Various Topics
Therapist/Psychiatrist Education
Therapy Options and information
Tick Attachment Time Education
Tick Identification to find out what it carries-tick testing
Tips on how to deal with conventional doctors
Treat Bite Correctly for Doctors
Tick repellant (for body and yard)
Top supplements and herbals used by lyme patients
Transmission of Lyme, Babesia and Bartonella
Treat bite correctly for doctors