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Updated: Aug 28


"One of the primary causes of fatigue is mitochondrial dysfunction. The mitochondria provide our cellular energy, and when they are not functioning optimally, our cells’ energy production is low, leading to the symptoms of fatigue."

"A major function of mitochondria that I want to focus on today is ATP production. ATP is stored energy that is produced from glucose, oxygen and other ingredients through a complex sequence of steps by your mitochondria."

"Mitochondrial health is paramount to healing from chronic illness however it is not something commonly addressed at the beginning of treatment."

"The organism also damages mitochondria and their function which is what leads to such low energy levels. The herbs specific for protecting mitochondria and their function are:"

"Supplemental CoQ10 is another way to keep mitochondria humming, especially in organs requiring high energy, such as the heart. CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant that protects mitochondria; it also inhibits free-radical damage to cell and mitochondrial membrane."

"Cells derive their energy from mitochondria, microscopic, football-shaped power generators located inside every cell in the body."

"In chronic Lyme disease or in toxicity issues, due to oxidative stress the mitochondria can be injured leading to fatigue that will not improve. In oxidative stress chemicals build up that can damage membranes and even the DNA genetic material of mitochondria."

Disclaimer: Rise Above Lyme makes no claims about any possible benefit of using any product mentioned within this site. Always consult with your doctor before adding anything. The information shared is based on personal experience, years of accumulated researched resources from Lyme Literate doctors and polls conducted within Lyme groups from actual patient experience using these solution ideas.



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