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Updated July 2024

"Accepting that tick-borne illnesses can relapse is not easy, but shifting my perspective and practicing good maintenance routines has helped me to stay healthy—and happy, too."

"I want to cover all the maintenance I do with my health and lifestyle to make sure I never have to deal with Lyme Disease again."

"Thus, here are the things people don’t tell you about remission."

"When a person's treatment is "finished" I suggest one of three different courses. The foundation of all three choices is to support the immune system vigorously. More on this later. The three choices are:"

"Remission means a person is well or greatly improved from treatment, but the Lyme germs are still living in the body. In remission, the immune system works alone or with help from nutrition, supplements, healthy lifestyle, and possibly germ suppressing doses of herbal or prescription antibiotics to keep the remaining germs under control. With remission, there is always a chance the Lyme germs will become active again causing a relapse."

"She will be at the end of her rope, barely hanging on and I’ll get the text, “Tell me again how remission feels. Makes me smile every time. I can feel that child-like faith that every fellow warrior I’ve met has deep inside. Almost like a kid wanting to hear their favorite bedtime story. Every single time, I will explain it more vividly and enthusiastically because I can feel she needs that and really I need the reminder too."

"To find out what kinds of solutions work for chronic lyme patients, 13 people who have either put chronic Lyme into remission or drastically reduced their symptoms reveal what they did."




Disclaimer: Rise Above Lyme makes no claims about any possible benefit of using any product mentioned within this site. Always consult with your doctor before adding anything. The information shared is based on personal experience, years of accumulated researched resources from Lyme Literate doctors and polls conducted within Lyme groups from actual patient experience using these solution ideas.




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