We know how hard the journey was that brought you here. We are here to help. We want you to have a better understanding of these diseases and how to get proper help. 💚
We only recommend starting with an ILADS trained doctor for proper testing and treatment. Some of these infections can have horrible consequences if you don't have a trained doctor. Reach out to us and we can help suggest a vetted doctor. Other professionals can be helpful later on.

We highly recommend the book Why Can’t I Get Better: Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Disease by Dr. Richard Horowitz .
"A single bite by a nymph or adult female tick has the potential to transmit multiple infections. Doctors who look sometimes find two, three, or even four tick-borne diseases in a single patient."
"The International Lyme and Associates Diseases Society (ILADS) is the leading international medical society devoted to the treatment of Lyme and associated tick-borne diseases. We focus on supporting providers in evidence-based medicine to achieve better outcomes for patients with tick-borne illnesses."
"Lyme disease is an illness caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. These bacteria are carried by the black-legged tick. When an infected tick bites you, it can transfer bacteria under the skin, leading to infection. If diagnosed and treated early, many patients recover. However, if not diagnosed or treated early, Lyme can develop into a chronic illness."
"The studies below demonstrate the existence of persistent infection, giving validity to the terms “persistent” and “chronic."
"Treat Lyme by Marty Ross MD is an online guide, with practical step-by-step plans using supplements and prescriptions, for most chronic Lyme-related problems."
"I Just Got Diagnosed with Lyme Disease. What Should I Do?"
"6 Tips for Anyone Newly Diagnosed With Lyme Disease."
Our doctor letter:
We have posts on the most common treatment options as well.
Disclaimer: Rise Above Lyme makes no claims about any possible benefit of using any product mentioned within this site. Always consult with your doctor before adding anything. The information shared is based on personal experience, years of accumulated researched resources from Lyme Literate doctors and polls conducted within Lyme groups from actual patient experience using these solution ideas.