Letter to DoctorsCardiologist LetterYou can print and take this with you to help your cardiologist understand the effects these diseases have on the heart. I created this...
Education-Lyme, Co-Infection, TicksDISMISSIVE DOCTORSOnce you are actually a person impacted by the horror and disability lyme can create, you realize quickly how little help there is...
Letter to DoctorsDOCTOR LETTERS and EDUCATIONHere are a few sources to empower you to fight back against dismissive doctors. I have 2 letters you can use so far. DOCTOR LETTER...
Education-Lyme, Co-Infection, TicksLYME LITERATE DOCTORS We can help you find a properly trained Lyme Literate doctor who has a good reputation for helping patients heal. A "lyme literate...