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Lysine is an extremely common mention, especially in the EBV group. I have put a few related blogs at the bottom. I want to always thank Toni H. for always being so helpful to the community (and me) on this important topic.

"Lysine is directly antiviral and that includes EBV and other herpes viruses. In fact, lysine is one of the most effective antiviral supplements for herpes simplex, including cold sores, canker sores, and genital herpes (Walsh et al., 1983). I’ve seen it resolve herpes simplex symptoms in as little as 20 minutes.

While lysine has a great anti-EBV reputation, and I can confirm that from my clinical experience, we need more studies specific to EBV. One of the few studies I found suggests that a lysine-containing complex, histone H3 lysine 9 methyltransferase Suv39 h1, helps maintain EBV latency (Imai et al., 2013). Latency means being dormant, between reactivations."


"Furthermore, in vivo research shows that lysine deficiency can impair amino acid metabolism, antibody responses, apoptosis (programmed cell death), cell cycle arrest, and cell-mediated immune responses. (2) Because of these various mechanisms, lysine intake confers several different health benefits."

"Lysine is an essential amino acid that is necessary for growth and tissue repair. It also helps produce hormones, antibodies, and digestive enzymes. Take one capsule (750 mg) once a day to prevent an outbreak. If you’re currently dealing with an outbreak, take three capsules (3 x 750 mg) per day."

"In humans lysine supplementation was shown to mimic protein supplementation to increase plasma insulin and glucagon levels and when lysine was administered with glucose it decreased blood glucose levels [242]. Lysine supplementation also decreased blood glucose levels and prevented cataract formation when administered to diabetic rats. An equivalent amount of a mixed amino acid supplement was also beneficial for both of these disease phenotypes, but not to the extent of lysine [243]. Lysine supplementation induced an angiogenic response and increased the rate of wound healing [244]. In yeast deletion of the lysine biosynthesis gene Lys12 increased chronological lifespan [93]. Lysine was the only amino acid to increase in abundance in replicatively aged yeast, while the abundance of roughly half of the amino acids declined [95]. In C. elegans lysine supplementation yielded small increases in lifespan at all three doses tested"

"As a natural disease-fighting agent, lysine benefits the human body in a variety of ways, many of which are only recently undergoing research. Here are some of the top L-lysine benefits:"

"Lysine is an amino acid that is found mostly in animal products. Though more research is needed, it may help reduce anxiety, prevent cold sores, improve calcium absorption, and promote wound healing."

"Effects of Basic Amino Acids and Their Derivatives on SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza-A Virus Infection"

I found this article interesting.



Amount Per Serving

L-Lysine HCl ... 500mg

Amount Per Serving

L-Lysine HCl ... 1.5g

Powder option


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