We gathered some sources on Rife, good and bad to help you research what device is best for you.
"Just like any good therapy, there is some good and some bad to each of them. Rife therapy and PEMF therapy have many similarities, yet they are also very different."
"A traditional RIFE machine is generally used a few times a week and for a few minutes each session. A patient has electrical pads attached to their hands and feet through which electric pulses are sent. The idea behind the treatment is to destroy cancerous and/or diseased cells through these sessions."
"In this video, Marty Ross MD discusses
how Rife machines could work to kill Lyme
effectiveness of Rife for Lyme disease based on research and clinical experience"
"Rife machines were invented in 1920’s by Royal Raymond Rife. They deliver low electromagnetic waves, like radio waves, through the hands or feet. The suggestion is that all medical conditions have an electromagnetic frequency, and that this machine will deliver pulses at the same frequency, to disable diseased cells."
"Rife, which was almost tied in terms of having the most side effects, was not reported to be very effective — 69% reported it was either not effective or they were unsure."
"There are several different styles and kinds of rife machines available. Some work like a light, where the person sits nearby, and it projects a beam out into the room. Other versions have hand-held metal rods or ray tubes that are used, as well as footplates."
"While there are people who have benefited from its use; it has proven to interfere with recovery for patients undergoing my treatment. This article is not intended to discredit the Rife machine, but rather explain why I will not treat patients who are using one. "
Dr. Rawls video on rife therapy
Saw this warning, not sure if true but made me wonder.
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Disclaimer: Rise Above Lyme makes no claims about any possible benefit of using any product mentioned within this site. Always consult with your doctor before adding anything. The information shared is based on personal experience, years of accumulated researched resources from Lyme Literate doctors and polls conducted within Lyme groups from actual patient experience using these solution ideas.