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Updated: Sep 15, 2024

Although we find the name a bit suspicious,

....pretty amazing information. I learned about this from my Lyme doctor. I will update with brand once I receive it. He is having me add for mitochondria. I will also provide feedback after I add it. If you take it, please comment below with your feedback. This was new to me.

"Spermidine alleviates cardiac aging by improving mitochondrial biogenesis and function."

"Spermidine activates mitochondrial trifunctional protein and improves antitumor immunity in mice."

"However, the autophagy inducer spermidine increased the number of mitochondria in the old mice."

"Spermidine Rescues Bioenergetic and Mitophagy Deficits Induced by Disease-Associated Tau Protein."

"Spermidine protects against neuronal cell damage by inducing autophagy. Therefore, supplementation with spermidine inhibits multiple neurological pathologies including neurodegeneration, memory loss, cognitive decline, and motor impairment in aging."

"Spermidine boasts a host of health benefits that include bolstering healthy cell regeneration, promoting healthy liver function, and enhancing memory and cognitive function. Recent research even suggests that spermidine may guard against age-related diseases such as heart disease, dementia, and cancer."

"Spermidine displays pleiotropic effects that include anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidant functions, enhancement of mitochondrial metabolic function and respiration, as well as improved proteostasis and chaperone activity. Many anti-aging effects of spermidine are causally connected to the capacity of this polyamine to induce cytoprotective autophagy."

"The supplementation of spermidine has been shown to increase autophagy in the liver, heart, and muscle tissue and is associated with prolonging the lifespan of these cells.Excessive inflammation has been shown to enhance the aging process and plays an important role in the development of many age-associated diseases. However, spermidine has an anti-inflammatory effect by eliminating reactive oxygen species, decreasing the migration of immune cells into tissues, and reducing the production of pro-inflammatory molecules by the body. By suppressing inflammation, spermidine can prevent age-related diseases."

Disclaimer: Rise Above Lyme makes no claims about any possible benefit of using any product mentioned within this site. Always consult with your doctor before adding anything. The information shared is based on personal experience, years of accumulated researched resources from Lyme Literate doctors and polls conducted within Lyme groups from actual patient experience using these solution ideas.



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