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Updated: 5 days ago

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"Banderol is an extract produced from the bark of the Banderilla (Otoba parvifolia) tree from the Amazon basin and has been used by indigenous groups in that region for hundreds of years. As one of our best-selling products, Banderol is a highly bioavailable tincture that can be easily incorporated into any daily routine."

"The two herbal agents from the Cowden Condensed Support Program selected for this study are Samento (a pentacyclic chemotype of Cat's Claw that does not contain tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids), with reported antibacterial and antiviral properties, and Banderol (Otoba sp.), known to have antibacterial, antiprotozoal and anti-inflammatory effects."

"Banderol is sourced from the bark of a South American tree known as Otoba parvifolia and is thought to knock out Lyme-related bacteria.

The use of samento and banderol as natural remedies for Lyme disease was popularized in part by Richard Horowitz, M.D., author of "Why Can't I Get Better?"

"They tested the effectiveness of Samento and Banderol extracts against the most commonly used antibiotic in Lyme disease, doxycycline, on several different forms of Borrelia burgdorferi, including the spirochetes, round bodies, and biofilm-like colonies they form. (See John Carey’s story, Biofilms: The Culprit in Chronic Lyme). The results showed that the herbal extracts were effective in eliminating or dramatically reducing all three forms of the bacterium whereas the doxycycline had a significant impact only on the spirochetes."

"In my Seattle practice, I had quite a bit of success using the herbs Otoba Bark (Otoba parvifolia) extract and Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) tinctures, even when prescriptive antibiotics were no longer working."


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