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Now I'm not saying that every product that says this is bad but it is important to know this. Especially with brands that want you to be on their line and nothing else, do pay attention to this kind of treatment or plan. Some are good, some I have been advised are NOT. Some are even popular due to heavy marketing. My LLND taught me this when showing me brands to avoid and why.

I can show you a label below that clearly shows how much of each ingredient is within the label. I know what I am taking and 98% of what my doctor has me use is not proprietary. This helps a person get the right dosing and know what they might react to. I want to heal not just pop a magical blend. I understand trying to protect your formula, but often times they may be doing it to not reveal what you need to know when taking it. Check your labels or the brand you are on.

I take many things and I do take one out of all my things that is a proprietary blend but it's an amino acid blend which to me is OK and he was OK with it.

I am pretty good at finding the products that mimic formulas like that. I buy everything on fullscript because I can always get it, respected brands and always best price because the discount is permanent, not a sale. There is a feature under catalog search where you can type in the ingredient you want included and find it. It is awesome. I have also found some companies will help me find their formula if I provide them the label of who I want to replace. You just enter email and create password. But if you have a fullscript account already, be sure your logged out so it let's you add this cheaper dispensary.

"Quality supplement labels should list every single ingredient – both active and inactive. Manufacturers that list vague ingredients like “proprietary blend” or “natural flavors” are more than likely hiding less than ideal ingredients.

Good list of quality companies included."

"The problem is that makers of proprietary blends are not required to disclose how much the quantity is for any of the ingredients in the proprietary blends they market. Yet we’ll have no idea how much of each one of those 6 ingredients is contained in that blend."

“The major problem with ‘proprietary formulas,’ as well as with proprietary ‘blends’ and ‘complexes,’ is that they permit manufacturers to withhold important information about what’s really in a product. Furthermore, the formula may change over time without you necessarily knowing.”

"Instead, what they'll usually do is they'll take those 10 ingredients for example, they'll shove it into some blend that has a fancy name like Super Energy Fast Blend, they'll put all those ingredients in there, and off to the right-hand side you'll see the total amount of all the ingredients as opposed to the amounts of each single ingredient."

Disclaimer: Rise Above Lyme makes no claims about any possible benefit of using any product mentioned within this site. Always consult with your doctor before adding anything. The information shared is based on personal experience, years of accumulated researched resources from Lyme Literate doctors and polls conducted within Lyme groups from actual patient experience using these solution ideas.




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