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Updated: Sep 15, 2024

(for gut health, targeting Biofilms as well as MCAS)

You can buy most enzymes at 25% off here:

See our separate posts on DAO and LUMBROKINASE at bottom.

"breaking up the protein fibrin matrix with enzymes like lumbrokinase, protease, or nattokinase."

"In Lyme disease Lumbrokinase is a nutritional support that may break apart biofilms and decrease hypercoagulation."

"Enzymes such as nattokinase and lumbrokinase have been used extensively as coatings on implants to fight biofilms."

"Proteolytic enzymes may aid the digestions of protein, reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, decrease inflammation, ease muscle soreness and speed recovery after surgery. "

"The current hypothesis for why No-Fenol may help is through the ability of the enzymes in this product to remove the carbohydrate groups from the polyphenols, thus allowing normal processing by the detoxification pathways."

"Instead of iron, the bacteria substitute manganese to make an essential enzyme, thus eluding immune system defenses that protect the body by starving pathogens of iron."

"The most important enzymes to support treatment of Lyme disease include proteolytic enzymes due to their ability to break down proteins. They aid in reducing inflammation, cleansing the blood of debris, dissolve fibrin in the blood to reduce the risk of clots, maximize immune function, kill bacteria, viruses, molds, and fungus, dissolve scar tissue, and aid in detoxification."



"Microbiome Labs released FODMATE, an enzyme that naturally breaks down 95% of FODMAPs in the diet and can support a low-FODMAP protocol. A FODMATE enzyme can help when you cheat on your diet too when it comes to birthdays and holidays," Note: this is available at 25% off


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Disclaimer: Rise Above Lyme makes no claims about any possible benefit of using any product mentioned within this site. Always consult with your doctor before adding anything. The information shared is based on personal experience, years of accumulated researched resources from Lyme Literate doctors and polls conducted within Lyme groups from actual patient experience using these solution ideas.

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