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Updated: 2 days ago

I use this but it's part of my Adrenal supplement my LLND has me take. All supplements are 25% off which saves a lot if you take this.

Check out these articles for why it is so amazing for many people.

"Ashwagandha enables a subtle balancing effect on all the systems of the body. It soothes the hypothalamus, which regulates important functions (hormone levels, temperature, weight, and sleep cycles)."

"If chronic stress is an issue complicating menstrual imbalance, ashwagandha is herb that can be taken with Vitex to gain additional benefit."

"In my experience, ashwgandha successfully reverses the harmful effects of physical and emotional stress created by Lyme and associated diseases."

"Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic and Chinese medicinal herb, is an adaptogen that supports adrenal function and can improve cortisol and dhea levels. It also lowers inflammatory cytokines that cause many Lyme symptoms."

"The main action for this herb is combating physical, emotional, and mental stress. It does this by lowering cortisol levels and nourishing the adrenal glands, two small glands on top of the kidneys that produce hormones like adrenaline and help modulate the stress response."

"The leaves of the ashwagandha plant are commonly used in fevers, the flowers as a diuretic, and the root in particular is revered for its ability to combat stress, inflammation and anxiety."

"Here are a few of its benefits that have been supported by research:"

All products are 25% off on this site:


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