(Also a good article at bottom if you are a parent but you have Lyme, as that is another issue many struggle with)
I understand this challenge as a patient myself and my own child facing these diseases. I greatly empathize for parents facing this helpless feeling. We hope this post helps in some way.
“The experiences of parents evolved from feelings of worry for the child to frustration with the lack of a helpful treatment, to mistrust of physicians’ actions,” writes Gaudet. “And, in some cases, to a rejection of the conventional health care system as a whole.”
"Parents reported having to put their lives on hold to care for their children, and a sense of hopelessness and failure was reported by the parent when the child’s “normal” life changed."
"Lyme disease affects children more than any other age group. But the young ones are often difficult to diagnose, especially before they’ve developed the vocabulary to describe how they’re feeling."
"What It’s Like to Be a Kid Living with Lyme Disease"
"Children are at the greatest risk of contracting Lyme disease. This resource is designed to help parents identify infections and learn more about treatment protocols, with the goal of avoiding long-term illness."
"Project Lyme hosted an expert panel to raise awareness about the co-morbidity of Lyme, Bartonella, and Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD) and to educate the public as to how it happens and what to do if it does."
"Parents of children with Lyme disease carry an enormous burden, far greater than those outside the Lyme community are likely to understand."
"A tribute to the mothers of children with Lyme disease and mothers with Lyme disease, out there on the front lines fighting for awareness, research, treatment, and validation."https://www.globallymealliance.org/blog/lyme-moms-salute
"Being the parent of a child with chronic Lyme disease can be a very isolating experience."
This article is for the a parent who has Lyme and not the child, but we wanted to include since this is common:
"Instead of focusing on all the things you can’t do, focus on what you can. You have talents and abilities and gifts that your children are blessed by. And a distinct love that only you can offer them."
DEAR Loved ones of a Lyme patient
Disclaimer: Rise Above Lyme makes no claims about any possible benefit of using any product mentioned within this site. Always consult with your doctor before adding anything. The information shared is based on personal experience, years of accumulated researched resources from Lyme Literate doctors and polls conducted within Lyme groups from actual patient experience using these solution ideas.