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Updated: 2 days ago


(My doctor has had me use the Oganic India brand) when I add it as a singular ingredient. I buy on FS because everything is 25% off. Just enter Triphala in catalog search bar here:

There is also a very effective one he suggests that contains Triphala called Blue Heron. Great formula. Probably one of my favorites, especially for regularity. Picture and ingredients below.

There is a kid version as well.

"Triphala, a well-recognized and highly efficacious polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine consisting of fruits of the plant species Emblica officinalis (Amalaki), Terminalia bellerica (Bibhitaki), and Terminalia chebula (Haritaki), is a cornerstone of gastrointestinal and rejuvenative treatment."

"Regular consumption of Triphala has shown to cut down the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, arthritis and premature ageing."

"Triphala contains gallic acid, ellagic acid and chebulinic acid, which are all strong antioxidants. It also has flavonoids and polyphenols, which have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antidiarrheal abilities."

"What’s more, in animal studies, Triphala has been shown to reduce inflammation and damage caused by arthritis."

RAWL'S mentions here as well

"Triphala possesses massive levels of antioxidants that support a healthy immune response. Evidence suggests that it is capable of elevating the immune system by increasing the release of neutrophils and killer T cell to where they are needed in an immune event.

Interestingly however, Triphala is also indicated in the management of auto-immune diseases in which the immune system is overactive. In individuals with an overactive immune system, Triphala has been shown to modulate gentle immune-suppression by slowing down lymphocyte proliferation, cell-mediated immunity and humoral immunity.

This ability to up-regulate or down-regulate the immune system dependent upon the internal condition of the body makes Triphala a powerful and relatively unique immune system adaptogen."

Disclaimer: Rise Above Lyme makes no claims about any possible benefit of using any product mentioned within this site. Always consult with your doctor before adding anything. The information shared is based on personal experience, years of accumulated researched resources from Lyme Literate doctors and polls conducted within Lyme groups from actual patient experience using these solution ideas.



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