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"I know some people will feel that “you have to do mold and then you have to do Lyme,” other people will say “you have to do Lyme and then you have to do mold.” I consider two of the best doctors on this Lyme and Mold subject to be Dr. Neil Nathan author of the book Toxic and Dr. Richard Horowitz author of the book How Can I Get Better? I’ve had the privilege of doing multiple seminars together(they do a combined seminar) and speaking with how they approach these tough, chronic cases. They both agree that you can’t always do them In a certain order. Some people will need to do Lyme first. Some patients will need to do mold first. If you have both, then you’ll require an Individualized approach with someone who track and watches how you respond In order to get you well. "

"Understanding the role of mold and candida is crucial in regards to co-infections. I have heard doctors say (including my own doctor) to treat the mold and candida then tackle lyme disease. According to Dr. Raj Patel, if you have been treating your Lyme disease unsuccessfully there is a chance toxic mold is a contributing factor. Some people can handle treating both lyme disease and mold simultaneously, while others have too much of a toxic burden to treat everything at once."

"However, these inflammatory tests may be abnormal due to chronic Lyme or co-infections. And having a genetic predisposition for mold toxicity, does not mean a person manifests the problem.

Because of this, the better way to see if a person has mold toxicity illness is to measure mold toxin levels directly. This is done using a urine mycotoxin test."

"If a patient has Lyme that is especially hard to resolve, mold illness needs to be considered. Mold suppresses the immune system, which makes resolving any type of infection difficult in its presence. We often find that Lyme patients are unable to fight off the infection unless they address any potential mold exposure. Only then can the immune system rebound."

"According to Dr. Raj Patel, if you have been treated for chronic Lyme disease and are not getting better, toxic mold could be a contributing factor. In his experience, one half of all unresolved Lyme disease cases are due in part to inflammation caused by mold illness."

"Mycotoxins suppress the immune system and are thus particularly harmful to individuals with Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections. Chronic mycotoxin exposure reduces the body's ability to fight infection and may reduce the efficacy of antimicrobial treatments."

"Mycotoxins can also suppress the immune system, making it more difficult to fight Lyme or other infection. Even with proper treatment, when someone has mold toxicity, it may be harder for antibiotics to fight the bacteria, making the person feel sicker for longer."

"According to the book New Paradigms in Lyme Disease Treatment, “mold toxicity causes patients to develop symptoms from Lyme infections and vice versa, and people with weakened immune systems are far more susceptible to sickness from mold…and doctors are just beginning to understand and explore it, and like Lyme disease, many conventional physicians are not even aware of it.”

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Disclaimer: Rise Above Lyme makes no claims about any possible benefit of using any product mentioned within this site. Always consult with your doctor before adding anything. The information shared is based on personal experience, years of accumulated researched resources from Lyme Literate doctors and polls conducted within Lyme groups from actual patient experience using these solution ideas.



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