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CFS / ME (Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).)

"The hallmark symptom, of what some researchers believe is an immune dysfunction syndrome, is extreme and unrelenting fatigue that lasts longer than 6 months. Multiple factors are believed to play a role in causing the syndrome, including hormonal imbalances, bacterial and viral infections, and an immune dysfunction. In fact, chronic fatigue syndrome “is often reported to be triggered by infections and the link between infections and autoimmune diseases is well established.”

"Keep reading to learn more about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fatigue as a symptom of other conditions, and important facts about chronic fatigue and Lyme."

"The findings provide evidence that inflammation is a powerful driver of this mysterious condition, whose underpinnings have eluded researchers for 35 years."

"Chronic fatigue syndrome in patients with Lyme borreliosis"

"While everyone with CFS has some level of immune dysfunction, impaired adrenal function, neurological dysfunction, and cardiovascular dysfunction, some people experience more intense symptoms in one specific area."

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